Central West Foot and Ankle Clinic (CWFAC) we look after you through expert care of your feet. We offer HICAPS on the spot claiming for private health fund members and a range of EFTPOS and credit card facilities to settle your account. Some patients with chronic disorders that require expert care qualify for a Medicare subsidy through a referral (Allied Health Medicare Referral) from their GP. These patients are entitled to up to five visits per year to be shared among allied health professionals. At CWFAC we are able to claim on behalf these patients at the time of their appointment. This means your Medicare subsidy will be returned to you within 24 hours. We are also registered to treat DVA referrals.
General foot care is an area of Podiatric medicine that covers
Toe nail cutting
Removal of callus and corns
Cracked heels
Fungal nails
Thickened nails
Diabetic foot assessment
Vascular assessments
Dermatological assessment
Doppler ultrasound.
Wound Care
It covers a broad range of foot health and foot problems.

Often the alignment of our bones, tendons, muscles and ligaments can impact the way in which we move. This interaction can cause inefficiencies in the movement pattern causing pain in areas of our feet, ankles, knees and lower back.
Biomechanics is the science that we use to identify and treat these inefficiencies and return the patient to improved movement and less pain.
At CWFAC, we believe that each unique set of circumstances requires a solution that fits the patient. You are consulted as to what will work best for you.
We can choose to use strapping and taping, stretching, mobilisation, strengthening, footwear changes, prefabricated orthotics or custom made orthotics to treat your problem.